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For over 15 years we have been creating games in which millions of people play!
New fascinating match3 game! Experience the world of magic with a cute witch Selena and her friends ...
Join Gemmy with exciting match-3 puzzle adventure through the beautiful Gemmy Lands! Discover secret...
You are out to explore a faraway mysterious forest, where a civilization of intelligent beings has b...
Eco City is a fresh mix of the farm manager and city builder with an emphasis on building a green, e...
Новая увлекательная игра три в ряд! Познайте мир магии с милой чародейкой Селиной и ее друзьями: путешествуйте по волшебным лесам и подземельям, наполняйте ведьминский котёл и знакомьтесь с обаятельными персонажами. New fascinating match3 game! Experience the world of magic with a cute witch Selena and her friends - wander through the magical forests and dungeons, fill the witch’s cauldron and meet charming characters.
Game siteNevosoft is a game developer based in St. Petersburg, Russia. Our aspiration is joyful, kind games that inspire. Nevosoft was founded in 2002 and has developed and published more than 30 games. Now we are focused on free-to-play games for mobile platforms.
Nevosoft is a game developer based in St. Petersburg, Russia. Our aspiration is joyful, kind games that inspire. Nevosoft was founded in 2002 and has developed and published more than 30 games. Now we are focused on free-to-play games for mobile platforms.
Joyful and kind games only
Millions of players
Cozy office at Rubinstein str.
Team of pros who love their biz
Create games with passion for 17 years
The founders of the company — Vitaly Romanov, Pavel Ryaykkonen, Alexandra Ryabchikova and Alexey Serebrov — came together due to a shared interest in computers, creativity, and technologies that change our world. The plan was simple — start making money by selling software online. This was a remarkable new opportunity back in the CD era and the first success stories were only beginning to emerge. The team chose games as the type of software they were to produce, as those were always near and dear to their hearts, not to mention immensely interesting to create. In 2002, the domain name Nevosoft.com was acquired.
At first, it was entirely passion-driven, with hardly any money being earned. The team created a website, as well as their very first two games — arthouse puzzle games which barely sold. But the purchases that did happen seemed like miracles and filled the team with energy. The founders moved into Vitaly Romanov’s flat where they proceeded to live and work together. For a while, Nevosoft switched to releasing and selling PC screensavers which brought them a small but much-welcomed income. Meanwhile, two bigger games were created — “Arcadrome” and “Dino and Aliens”. The rights were sold to two publishers, one of which was from Russia and the other from the US. This allowed the team of four founders to rent their first office and start hiring.
Soon Nevosoft switched from producing indie games and screensavers to casual games, distributed via the internet and implementing the try-and-buy model. The concept of “games for the mass audience” was only forming back then; fast-growing Western casual game portals appeared on the web and they were eager to cooperate with Russian developers. Nevosoft successfully entered the casual market with a Match-3 game series and games in the genre of Hidden Objects. For instance, Mysteryville 1, 2, 3 was a pioneer in the Hidden Object genre, proved to be a hit and took the company to the next level of development thanks to its great sales.
Looking at the casual game market in the Western market and recognising the fact that new players are looking for quality accessible entertainment, Nevosoft opened their own Russian language casual game portal on the nevosoft.ru domain name. It quickly grew to become one of the biggest in the CIS area and still operates today. Continuing to build their game portfolio, the studio created a multitude of adventure games, simulator games, the hit platformer Supercow. The team even invented the genre of casual strategy games, My Kingdom for the Princess series becoming its flagship project. Furthermore, the studio began producing and publishing the games of third-party developers. This helped the studio build up a good reputation and establish connections in the industry.
Today, Nevosoft focuses on developing games for mobile platforms and social networks. We work with the following genres — Match-3, farming simulators and city builders.
Our main products are Gemmy Lands, Charm Farm, Eco City and Charms of the witch. We still strive to create fun feelgood quality games that will bring joy and inspire as many people as possible. A game is a powerful tool, existing right at the edge where art and technology meet. By filling it with our attention, love and talents of our engineers, artists and designers, we work to make this world a happier place.
For over 15 years we have been creating games in which millions of people play!
We're making games for more than 15 years!
We're ready to share our experience and knowledge about game development.
Free gym + VR and table tennis in the office!
Remote OR AND office
Professional and friendly atmosphere.
Comfortable office in the center of Saint-Petersburg
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